Finding Matched and Unmatched Rows with FULL OUTER JOIN

You’re not likely to use FULL JOIN (which can also be written as FULL OUTER JOIN) too often, but the syntax is worth practicing anyway. LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN each return unmatched rows from one of the tables—FULL JOIN returns unmatched rows from both tables. FULL JOIN is commonly used in conjunction with aggregations to understand the amount of overlap between two tables.

Say you're an analyst at Parch & Posey and you want to see:

  • each account who has a sales rep and each sales rep that has an account (all of the columns in these returned rows will be full)
  • but also each account that does not have a sales rep and each sales rep that does not have an account (some of the columns in these returned rows will be empty)

This type of question is rare, but FULL OUTER JOIN is perfect for it. In the following SQL Explorer, write a query with FULL OUTER JOIN to fit the above described Parch & Posey scenario (selecting all of the columns in both of the relevant tables, accounts and sales_reps) then answer the subsequent multiple choice quiz.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.


In your query results for the above Parch & Posey FULL OUTER JOIN quiz, are there any unmatched rows?